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Thanks for this, but way too long and nuanced for this ole doc. I just spent a few hours crawling through all the initial algorithms to get onto Bluesky, only to discover a vacuous scree of almost entirely irrelevant if lovely photos, a few drawings, and almost nothing of my interests in climate collapse, LONG COVID, stress physiology. I'll hang-in, although I NEVER went on

Twitter, have no respect for the South African apartheidist billionaire and daddy of 11 (?) now Tramp sycophant/fellow grifter/Fascist anti-democratic POS, hardly spent any time on worthless totally unserious FB, and lack respect for the American MSM. We deserve Tramp, as 10M Dems refused to vote this time around, compared with 2020 81M who voted for Ole Joe. Questions? Have a blessed evening.

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